Prince Ink

But you can just call him/her Ink or Ink D.!

Prince Ink’s appearance.

Basic Info

Name: Prince/Princess Ink Furborne Demone
Pronouns: He/She
Age: 19
Birthday: 16th Mirtul, 1726
Sexuality: Demipanromantic Asexual
Species: Wolf
Fur Color: Black and white
Eyes: Red


  • Crown

  • Cape

  • Glowing Sword (It glows when it senses danger, but it has anxiety (just like him), so it always glows)

  • Sheath

  • Dog Bone


Father: King Tom Gente Demone (Dead)
Mother: Queen Allison Angeline Demone (Dead)
Brother/Villain Counterpart: Vincent Inferno Demone
Boyfriend: Jeremy Jack McWolfe
Future Sister-in-Law: Jill June McWolfe
Future Adopted Daughter: Lily Bonette Demone
Close Friends: Dr. Anubis, Arcanine, Evord Allan Nines, Henry Lyc, Hazma, Erica, Sunfyre Embrion Everburn, Oliver Delta Bay, Gay Umber Vivian, Toby, Loona, Aspen
More Relations


  • Showing kindness

  • Leadership

  • Noticing patterns

  • Sword fighting

  • Heightened senses

  • Traumatized, and still working through the trauma

  • Can’t deal with stress well

  • Has anxiety

  • Horrible with long-ranged weapons

  • Sensitive hearing


  • Fetch

  • Board games

  • Table Top RPGs

  • Card games

  • Collecting trading cards

  • Being around friends/loved ones

  • Helping others

  • Head pats

  • Hugs

  • Loud noises

  • Beatboxing

  • Bigotry

  • The word “fleabag” being used towards him or his species

  • Pain being caused to people he cares about

  • Being alone

  • Thoughts of nothing after death (as in having the thoughts himself, not the people with that belief)

  • Being addressed as royalty (for example, being called "your highness/your majesty")

  • Having power over others


Prince Ink's Backstory

Prince Ink Demone was once the prince of a thriving kingdom of humanoid wolves called Wolfbloods. Everything was going well, and every part of the kingdom was in a state of prosperity, mainly thanks to the increased taxes on the rich specifically. It had also become the most progressive nation in all of Dauning. This kingdom, which was called the Canepack Empire, was a constitutional "monarchy" that functioned closer to a direct democracy, with monarchs and town leaders having little to no actual power other than reading out voting results. The monarchs were also taxed, despite being royalty and living in a castle (which was for ceremonial reasons and was smaller than most castles, and also open to the public), and didn’t have more money than any other family. There were no political parties, and each candidate for mayor was an average citizen who decided to run rather than a rich politician. Laws were also chosen by civilian votes rather than lawmakers, and the leaders were only there to read out the results and form a plan. There were even systems set up for civilians to overthrow corrupt monarchs if needed. Despite all of this, it was admittedly very imperfect and had a lot of obvious flaws, but it was overall a better place to live than other nations. But nothing good lasts forever, and something strange and unknown destroyed his kingdom. Ink woke up somewhere unknown, unable to remember how he got there. Teaming up with others he found, he sought a way back home. Upon making his way back home, he discovered that the downfall of his kingdom and the deaths of his family and friends was the doing of his older brother, Vincent. Vincent was taught by a former assassin, Spike (who was mad about the ban on assassins due to them being unethical), and his faction of assassins known as the Red Paw, that the royal family signing treaties instead of going to war was a bad thing. So Vincent confronted his parents about it, who out of fear for the safety of them and the citizens, exiled Vincent at 16. During the Great Collision when worlds collided and monsters arose, Vincent led monsters to the doorstep, and took the time to kill his parents and to try to kill Prince Ink. Prince Ink, however, was taken by a rift into another world. After learning that, he went about rebuilding his home, though only doing so so that he could give the civilians their homes back, as he admittedly wished the monarchy had collapsed, though he was sad about everything he had lost during the disaster.

About the World

The Earth-like planet of which everything takes place on is Dauning, a fantasy planet full of magic and wonder. It orbits a star known as Eyeternal. Dauning is thought to be the third planet away from Eyeternal, though little is known about any of the planets in this solar system other than Dauning. Those who believe in gods believe that Eyeternal is their window into examining the orbiting planets, all of which were their creations, though were left mostly to run themselves. The gods chose Dauning to be the central planet for life, as it was in the perfect position to host it. The planet itself has five layers: the Crust, the Mantle, the Core Shield, the Arcanic Core, and the Central Core. The Crust is broken into two parts: the surface, which is made up of continental crust and oceanic crust, and the Infernosphere, which is made up of molten rock, some of which leaks up in the area that the Imledell Empire is built on. The Mantle is a thick layer of solid, hard rock. No mortal has made it past the Infernosphere to see it, but some constructs have. However, no construct has made it deeper into the Mantle. The core is made up of three layers, all of which were studied by constructs who could detect seismic waves. The Core Shield is the outermost layer of the core, made up of adamantine (the metal) and platinum. It’s unbreakable, and serves as both a container and a form of protection for the inner layers of the core, hence the name. The Arcanic Core is the middle layer of the core, made up of liquified crystal with magical qualities. It’s the source of almost all magic found in Dauning. The Central Core is the innermost layer of the core, made of a variety of magnetic metals and a type of gemstone called Blitzstone, which generates electricity. This combination creates the magnetic field of Dauning, which combined with solar wind from Eyeternal, creating the magnetosphere of Dauning. The majority of the inhabited land in Dauning is relatively close, with majority of Dauning being made up of random islands with animals, unexplored regions, and ocean. The northern hemisphere of Dauning tends to be colder, while the southern tends to be warmer. Majority of the land is concentrated in the North-Eastern hemisphere, right on the edge of it. Between Misthaven and the other nations lies the Siren Ocean. Below Misthaven is the Construct Ocean. Below the Canepack Empire is the Silas Ocean. And in between the Construct Ocean and the Silas Ocean is the Southern Ocean. The land that harbors Misthaven has mid-to-low temperatures, and is covered by forests. There are also caves, and within those caves is an abundance of copper, iron, cassiterite, adamantine, and a gemstone called Blitztstone. With the cassiterite, the inhabitants of Misthaven can get tin, and use that with the copper to make bronze. They also use the iron to make steel. Typical crops grown in Misthaven include wheat, beets, potatoes, carrots, spinach, and lettuce. Farming is automated by constructs. The land claimed by the Imledell Empire is mostly mountainous, though the southern edge is made of pine forests, plus a river running through some of the mountains, and is cold year-round. The mountains are full of graphite, gold, silver, and diamonds (in the areas near volcanoes), and within the river in the mountains is an abundance of more gold and rhodium, and the Imledell Empire used to make the rhodium black with ink and make armor out of it. The Imledell Empire’s crops tend to be carrots, potatoes, lettuce, and spinach. The land on which the Donnern Empire was built is made up entirely by pine forests with a few mountains, and like Misthaven, it’s usually mid-to-low temperatures. There’s a small bit of water that runs through the land, and the caves around that area are full of iron. Their crops consists of cabbage, lettuce, spinach, potatoes, carrots, beets, barley, blueberries, and ginger. And the land that includes the Canepack Empire of which the Wolfbloods originate from is made up of a mix between oak forests and plains, with a few beaches on the edges, and is mostly mid temperatures. Due to the abundance of rivers and beaches, there are tons of gemstones, rhodium, and gold, allowing the inhabitants to make a variety of jewelry. There is also titanium, platinum, and iron found in the caves next to the rivers. However, the inhabitants try to be careful about how much they mine, due to caring about the land. Their crops are all kinds of fruits and berries, wheat, potatoes, beets, carrots, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and mushrooms. Next to the Canepack Empire is an area of unclaimed forests, with the same climate as the Canepack Empire. Above that strip of land are floating islands of which the nation of Himmeleskia sits on with the same climate as the Canepack Empire and consists of plains and forests. The land is filled with gold, copper, tin, and a mineral known as Gravinite, a gemstone with anti-gravitational properties when force is applied. Due to Gravinite being what is keeping the islands from falling to the ground in the first place, mining of Gravinite is restricted to specific islands that lack other buildings and is strictly regulated. Fruits, wheat, potatoes, beets, carrots, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and mushrooms all thrive there. The climates of unclaimed islands vary on location. As for the structure and culture of each nation, Misthaven is a representative democracy. Misthaven tends to be full of engineers, scientists, historians, various types of artists, and similar careers. People within Misthaven tend to live in suburban areas and big cities. They emphasize education and ingenuity, and prioritize advancement. Misthaven is largely atheist dominated. The main language is Common. The Imledell Empire is an absolute monarchy, functioning in a way similar to feudalism, with wealthy families overseeing each city. Those at the bottom live in poverty while the people at the top live in extreme comfort. Their structures in the upper class areas are often golden and fancy. Armed guards patrol the streets. Most religions are forbidden. The vast majority of the population is made up of high elves and standard humans, and the primary language is Elvish. The Donnern Empire is similar to Nordic culture, especially in architecture. The government is a constitutional monarchy. Blacksmiths are a common job in the Donnern Empire, as are bartenders. The primary language is Common. The Canepack Empire functions similarly to a direct democracy, with citizens directly voting on each law. The town leaders only exist to read out voting results, and the royal family is mostly a family of glorified diplomats. The Canepack Empire tends to prioritize art (especially music), nature, and close connections. The structures are mostly caves that have been transformed into houses. The population is mostly made of Wolfbloods. The most common religion is Deedism, and the most spoken language is Common. Himmeleskia is a matriarchal monarchy. Women dominate jobs and roles that in other cultures are typically associated with men. Common clothing includes robes and sandals. Due to Himmeleskia sitting on floating islands, every person is handed a pair of mechanical wings with Gravinite once they reach the age of ten years old. Himmeleskia tends to prioritize art, engineering, self-sufficiency, bravery, and tradition. Himmeleskians worship Claudia and the most spoken language is Common. Each nation is made up of four main towns and, with the exception of Misthaven, a bunch of smaller towns. The four towns in Misthaven are Vaporforge, Copperden, Steelwood, and Bronzetown. The four main towns in the Imledell Empire are the Golden City, Rhodium Town, Cliff's Edge, and Morrowind. The four main towns in the Donnern Empire are Stormpoint, Woodwind, Forgetown, and Mornington. The four cities in the Canepack Empire are Metropforest, Packden, Huntsford, and Furtown. The four main cities/islands in Himmeleskia are Skylia, Clouden, Gravitania, and Divinia. Below the surface of the ground, there lies a single town known as Great Gemstone Gate, a town of stone houses with a giant magical emerald in the middle known as the Inner Emerald. The city is entirely inhabited by spirits known as Hushed.Dauning is not the only important realm, however. In between life and death, outside of space and time, there lies a realm known as the Fields. The Fields, to a mortal, is completely pitch black, but to the inhabitants, is just another sunny day. The land is made up of multiple floating islands, made of black rock with stalagmite and mountains poking out. There are rivers and falls made of a special type of magma that produces Hellfire. Below the islands is an endless void. There are fire plants, bushes, and flowers, as well as trees made of hardened ash. There is also an abundance of iron, which the inhabitants turn into steel for armor and weaponry. Despite the hell-like qualities, the Fields are not an afterlife meant for endless torture. Instead, it’s inhabited by an alternative form of humans, who look almost identical to regular humans and human variants, except for their demonic/draconic like eyes. Most of these inhabitants have powers granted to them by the Fields. Some inhabitants have even figured out how to traverse between the Fields and Dauning. These Fields inhabitants do age but do not die of old age while within the Fields due to already walking between life and death. If a Fields inhabitant is slain while within the Fields, they will become stuck in a loop where they experience the same day over and over, while their body will become a being of its own. The Fields are also inhabited by a variety of monsters who lack souls, causing their energy to disperse once slain. There are no nations, and instead there are just individual towns.

Timeline of Dauning

Dauning Locations

Dauning Factions

Dauning Pantheon

Mortal Species in Dauning

Dauning Bestiary


This is a common religion amongst the inhabitants of the Canepack Empire. It states that if you have a good heart and spend your life striving to be the best you can be, you are led home by the Musician and watch your family grow. Otherwise, you are given a contract by the Contractor, and upon completing the contract are sent to the Musician. If you turn down the contract, your soul is put in a book and used as a cautionary tale. However, there is no Hell-like place, and instead the religion focuses on redemption. Ethics are also not as black and white as mortals think. The major holiday is Day of Sad Songs, which occurs on 1st Marpenoth, and celebrates lost relatives through music. It’s typically a day with a lot of concerts.

Extra Notes About Ink + General Fun Facts

  • Ink and Jeremy met at four years old, and were lifelong friends before they were lovers

  • Ink and Jeremy both came out at twelve years old

  • Ink and Jeremy started dating at nineteen years old

  • Ink was fourteen years old when Vincent was exiled

  • Ink finds comfort in playing fetch when he's stressed out, and will sometimes do it without meaning to

  • Despite being royalty, Ink is not rich

  • Ink is a socialist (and an anarcho-communist later in life)

  • Ink wouldn't care if the monarchy collapsed, and in fact secretly wants it to so he can live a normal life, and also because he hates having power over people

  • Ink only still wears his crown because it reminds him of his parents, as he still misses them

  • Ink invites friends over once a week to play a table top RPG called Cellars and Celestials

  • Ink will do favors in exchange for trading cards due to how expensive cards can be

  • Ink still takes bubble baths despite being an adult

  • Ink has really thick fur and stores stuff in his fur

  • Ink is registered as an emotional support animal in Copperden

  • Ink's favorite band is a band called the Oathbreakers, Dauning's first powermetal (and metal) band, and Ink’s favorite song from them is Symphony of the Ironfurred from their album Forge Ahead, which Ink has the phonograph cylinder for

  • Ink is often told that he has the personality of a big husky

  • Ink’s great great great grandmother Audrey Demone was a humanoid husky and the only one of her kind, making Ink 3.12% husky

  • Ink has autism, ADHD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and dysgraphia, but Ink can manage his dysgraphia more and while he still writes sloppily it’s at least legible if he takes his time

  • Ink is a sex-favorable asexual, but has no interest in partnered sex

  • Ink was originally a character made for a Minecraft Origins SMP and became a D&D character, with the rest of his world being later written

  • Ink’s first and last names are a reference to both my username from Minecraft (InkDemon4224) and the Ink Demon from Bendy, and all of his biological family members except for Vincent are also named after Bendy characters

  • Ink’s status as a Prince is a metaphor for my own privilege as a white person who lived most of her life as a cis man, and how I still want to help people without that privilege despite my place in society

  • In an alternate timeline set in motion by Priscilla for fun, Ink and Jeremy were both cis women

  • The world of Dauning is a blend between standard fantasy, dark fantasy, dungeonpunk, bronzepunk, and steampunk.

Photo Album

Prince Ink's Themes

Songs that represent Prince Ink's personality or his backstory.Prince Ink's First Theme (Take Back the Night by TryHardNinja/CaptainSparklz)Prince Ink's Second Theme (Be More Kind by Frank Turner)Prince Ink's Third Theme (If Ever I Stray by Frank Turner)Prince Ink and Jeremy's Relationship Theme (Run Away by Ben Platt)Dauning’s Theme (Élan by Nightwish)